7 Things to Declutter in Your Bedroom Before Fall

Under the Bed

Commit yourself to tackling this area the next day it rains. Whether you’re stashing old clothing, keepsakes, or simply things you no longer use—it’s time to either get rid of these items, give them away, or find a more convenient storage place.

Wire Hangers

While it can be challenging to throw out what's essentially a freebie—your large collection of wire hangers isn’t doing you any favors.

Dry Cleaning Garment Bags

Along the same lines, toss those dryer cleaner bags your clothing came in. They not only look unsightly, but they can also cause your clothing to yellow or have a residual odor from the dry cleaning fluid.

Clothing You Don't Wear

Whether something doesn’t fit, doesn’t "spark joy," or isn’t wearable anymore because it's stained or worn out—it needs to go.

Old Bedding

It's not possible for bedding of the best quality to last forever. Throw away sheets that have holes in them, pillowcases that have makeup marks on them, or white sheets that are now a dull gray color.

Nightstand Drawers

Nightstand drawers can become a dumping ground for miscellaneous items, including old books (or new books that didn’t quite hold your interest), bills, receipts, or other papers.

Shoes in Disrepair

Like clothing, shoes have a finite life. But unlike clothing, old shoes can cause significant problems. Old sneakers may no longer be supportive enough for walking or other exercise.

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